  • Do I need to eliminate the stump?

    Removing a stump is necessary for several reasons, including aesthetics, safety, and health. Stumps become breeding ground for pests like termites and rats, and they can invade your house, too!

  • Do I need a permit to remove a tree?

    Maybe. Some municipalities in the area do require a permit for removing trees. It often depends on the size and the location of the tree, whether the tree is a hazard, whether it is a street tree, an invasive species, etc. The arborists at Royal Tree Service can help you determine whether permits apply and assist you in obtaining them.

  • Is it ok to remove trees close to the house?

    A towering tree close to your house can provide important shade and shelter, along with impressive beauty and drama. Sometimes, though, that nearby tree can pose a serious threat. Growing branches can scratch and bang up the siding or roof of the house. A buildup of leaves and sticks on the roof can contribute to rot. The roots of a large tree can destroy the foundation of your home, causing cracking and other issues.

  • Will there be any damage to my landscape?

    We can assure you that we will perform stump grinding with the utmost care. We utilize equipment that does not put too much pressure on your lawn. Also, we place plastic mats on vulnerable areas to avoid them from being damaged.

  • Can I use the mulch produced by stump grinding?

    You sure can. The mulch is a combination of woodchips and debris that can work wonders in flower and vegetable gardens. .

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